Practice, practice, practice. That’s how we get better right? Yes, that’s true, but it’s not much fun is it? Practicing arpeggios, scales, lip slurs, ad naseum improves your playing ability, no doubt. But how about the creative part of playing? That’s where playing songs and copying great players comes in. Now that’s fun. And isn’t that the whole point of playing the trumpet? How do you that? How to you copy a great Professional trumpet player? It’s something called perfect pitch.
Perfect Pitch or Pitch Perfect?
Most Professional trumpet players (and musicians as a whole) have the gift of perfect pitch. This is the ability to hear a sound and be able to play it without anything to refer to. You may have the ability to hear a song and figure out how to play it on your trumpet. That is awesome. Perfect pitch is a rare gift that only 1% to 11% of people have. The good news is that perfect pitch can be learned to a significant degree. In a recent study by the journal Cognition, researchers studies how a persons short-term memory is a factor in developing perfect pitch that they called “absolute pitch”. That means, by working on it, you can get better at hearing sounds and translate them into trumpet notes. This will help you with your site reading of sheet music, jazz improvisation, and intonation. That makes trumpet playing way more enjoyable.
We’ve collected various sources of trumpet sheet music and trumpet songs that you can use to see, hear, and play along to. You can play these with your cornet and flugelhorn too as some of these trumpet songs have softer melodies that sound better with a cornet or flugelhorn. Have fun with these. It was fun listening and watching them while bringing them together here for you. Click the links below to go straight to that section.
Trumpet Songs
There are songs that are known as “Trumpet Songs”. These are songs that we hear that just sound right when done with a trumpet. These are the first songs that most trumpet players learn and memorize.
How to play Taps on Trumpet
First up is “Taps”. This song was traditionally done on a bugle. A horn that has no valves. This song has a long been a part of American history. Here it is played by the Buglers of the US Army Band.
Taps Trumpet Sheet Music
This is the sheet music along with a writeup on the Significance of Taps.
Star Spangled Banner Trumpet Sheet Music
The United States National Anthem. This version is played on a keyboard with the note by note view of the trumpet sheet music.
You can also download a pdf of the Star Spangled Banner Trumpet Sheet music.
Easy Trumpet Sheet Music
Megalovania Trumpet Sheet Music
The soundtrack for in Undetale. Is this Chara’s battle theme or is it Sans during the final battle on the Genocide Route. Here’s the Megalovania Trumpet Sheet Music from
Fortnite Trumpet Songs
Super Mario Brothers Nintendo Theme Trumpet Sheet Music
Happy Birthday Trumpet Sheet Music
The classic Happy Birthday song from
When You Wish Upon A Star
Listen to Wayne Bergeron and Louis Dowdeswell play this Disney classic. It’s a great trumpet song do build your sound quality and endurance. And if you take it up a few octaves like they do, well…. you rock!
Louis has links where you can purchase his and Wayne’s arrangement. Try to follow along with them in the beginning by watching their fingering of the song. Here’s where you can work on your perfect pitch.
La Vie En Rose Trumpet Sheet Music
Star Wars Trumpet Sheet Music
Star Wars. Started in 1977 and just finished up. What a run. And everyone knows the songs.
Star Wars Imperial March Sheet Music
The Star Wars Trumpet parts are haunting. Here is the Star Wars Imperial March for Trumpet. Here’s the Star Wars Main Theme Trumpet Sheet Music from
Star Wars Cantina Band Song Trumpet Sheet Music
Over the Rainbow Trumpet Sheet Music
This classic written in 1939 for the movie “Wizard of Oz”. The highest note is an “F” at the top of the staff.
Cool Trumpet Songs
There are songs that have been immortalized as Cool Trumpet Songs by legendary trumpet players like Doc Severinsen, Maynard Ferguson, Louis Armstrong, Eric Miyashiro etc.. Modern legends like Wayne Bergeron and Louis Dowdeswell also have created some new, cool trumpet songs. If you’ve played in Jazz Ensemble or Jazz Band in school, you’ll likely have played some of these. Have fun.
MacArthur Park Trumpet Sheet Music
Here’s an old version of the legendary Doc Severinsen. His tone was thick and fat. His upper register was effortless, and the tone was amazing. One of our members played with him when he went to played with the McDonalds All American Band during his high school years. Look at his hand positions, posture, and incredible sound. Yes, I’m a huge Doc fan. How does he keep playing that last note with only his left hand while conducting the orchestra behind him with his right?
Birdland Trumpet Sheet Music
“Birdland” the song was recorded originally by the band “Weather Report. The most famous Birdland song for trumpet was arranged by the great Maynard Ferguson who made it one of his signature songs.
Maynard Ferguson was such an influence on so many trumpet players there is a Maynard Ferguson Tribute Band.
Rocky – Gonna Fly Now Trumpet Sheet Music
Every school band has or will play this oldie. It’s such a classic, it’s a must play by every trumpet player. It’s one classic that is arranged just to highlight the power of the trumpet.
Maynard Ferguson made this song famous back in the 70’s. Gotta love the haircuts and costumes. Or what they called back then, clothes.
Here’s Louis Dowdeswell’s rendition.
And finally, the Maynard Ferguson Tribute band with a ton of awesome trumpet players going at it. My favorite part is about a minute in, Eric Miyashiro takes lead….one handed. Then around the four minute mark, he, Wayne Bergeron, and Patrick Hession go at it.
Bridge Over Troubled Water Trumpet Sheet Music
This classic tune by Simon and Garfunkle released in January of 1970 has a wonderful melody. Maynard Ferguson was the first trumpet player to play this song. He recorded this back in 1971 on his “Alive and Well in London” album.
Here’s Wayne Bergeron playing it live. Listen to his introduction, he like so many of us, “tried” to play along with Maynard in high school (not the best recording, but the sound is there).
Of all these players, who do you think played it best? Do you have a favorite? Please let us know in the comments.
Star Trek Trumpet Sheet Music
The theme from the original Star Trek show and movies. Here’s an arrangement of the sheet music for a brass quintet, you and a friend on trumpet, a French horn, trombone, and tuba.
Cool Trumpet Songs – Newer
Timmy Trumpet “Trumpets”
Timmy Trumpet and Lady Bee and of course the song is “Trumpets”. Sorry, no sheet music.
The Incredibles Theme Trumpet Song
Another great collaboration with Wayne Bergeron and Louis Dowdeswell on the Disney animated movie The Incredibles. Wayne comes in at 3:09 mark playing flugelhorn. The original movie theme track was recorded with Wayne Bergeron playing lead trumpet. Louis is playing his Bach Stradivarius 180 with a #43 Gold brass bell.
Go The Distance (Hercules) Trumpet Song
Louis Dowdeswell could be Hercules if the he was a trumpet player! Check out his rendition of the Disney theme song for Hercules.
Let It Go – Frozen Trumpet Sheet Music
The theme song to what will likely become a Disney classic, Frozen. Louis starts out on his Yamaha 631GS flugelhorn then continues on with his Bach Stradivarius 180 with a #43 Gold brass bell. Great song to work on your perfect pitch. Can you follow along without the sheet music? Hint: at the 1:04 mark, the camera angle shows his fingering of the notes much clearer than in the beginning. Have fun with this one. And of course, Louis has the sheet music and play along for purchase.
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly – Trumpet Solo
Louis Dowdeswell shares his recording for Silva Screen Records. You can play along with him.
Free Trumpet Music
Capotastomusic has a great collection of trumpet sheet music. They have them categorized as: Easy Trumpet Sheet Music.
Another good source of trumpet sheet music is from
Trumpet Notes
Here’s a downloadable fingering chart for the trumpet, cornet, and flugelhorn to play the notes.